Прошептал секреты: история Tideville коллекционное издание

  • Built-in strategy guide
  • Bonus gameplay
  • Concept art and soundtrack
  • Wallpapers and screensavers
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 8.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 842

Оценка игры: Прошептал секреты: история Tideville коллекционное издание

Раскрыть таинственного прошлого сонного приморского поселка в прошептал секреты: история Tideville! Вы и ваш сын, Тим, недавно переехала в маленький городок Tideville сделать свежий старт. Один мирный осенний вечер, вы приедете домой как раз вовремя, чтобы увидеть Тим растворился в воздухе! Вооружившись только ваш ум и загадочное подсказку про ученого, вы отправляетесь на поиски вашего сына. Но вскоре вы узнаете, что Тим был не первый житель Tideville исчезнуть... на самом деле, люди пропадали без вести в течение многих лет. Но кто стоит за всем этим? И чего они хотят? Раскрыть темный секрет города в этой захватывающей игре скрытых объектов! Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Hidden Object

Spot hidden objects and solve puzzles and mysteries in lush, eye-catching scenes.

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1383 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 155)

Whispered Secrets: The Story of Tideville Collector's Edition Image Whispered Secrets: The Story of Tideville Collector's Edition
4.98 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 66 оценки пользователей
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AFERON - BigFishGames
Whispered Secrets: The Story of Tideville Collector's Edition game play Whispered Secrets: The Story of Tideville Collector's Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Relaxing And Enjoyable Game From A New Developer - Review Of Entire Game

Story: You take on the role of recently widowed, Clarice and move to a small fishing town Tideville with your son Tim who has been kidnapped by a mad scientist and with the help of Tim's friend, Rudy, will try to solve the mystery and find her son. 8 chapters plus a bonus chapter Integrated strategy guide which only shows the first 2 chapters during the demo. I didn't use it but checked it out and it stays where you last left it. 2 play modes: Regular/Expert: I played Expert mode and there are no sparkles not even for HOS (hidden object scenes) but there are black bar tips up at the top of the screen. Journal which holds story and puzzle clues Voice Overs No map 15 crystals you find throughout the game to help you save Tim. HOS: There are quite a few scenes to this game. Found by word list. They are interactive. You can also play match 3 and switch between the two at any time during the game. Puzzles: Not a whole lot of puzzles to this game. Most of them are swap the pieces to form a picture, rotate the rings/circles. Also some solved by clues in your journal just to name some. HINT/Skip charge up: I can't comment on the hint for this game cause I didn't use it one time for anything. The skip does take about a couple of minutes. Bonus Chapter: The main game does come to a satisfactory conclusion as the bonus chapter is not needed for this. The bonus chapter you have to save the townspeople from the mad scientist. This does have scenes from the main game but also opens up some new areas. It also looks like this may be continued which I sure hope so but the bonus chapter also has a satisfactory ending as well. Main game time: Close to 6 hours. Bonus time: Just about an hour. Depending on your game play may be more or less for you. My overall impression: Well for this being a new developer I think they did a pretty good job with this game. For the most part I found this to be a pretty ease game but sometimes I like an ea

Can't Wait For Part Two To Come Out.

I loved the storyline where the woman saves her son and the towns folk too. Women RULE!! The story grabbed my attention right from the beginning. The mom like most would go looking for her son while most would set and go boo hoo. With the help of her son's little friend and the bar keep, boat captain and the librarian, Mom was off on the biggest adventure of her life. To rescue her son from the Mad Doctor. You have two modes of play: casual and expert. You had choice of window or full screen and choice of cursor. There was voice over which I kept low and music at same level. Sound I kept full volume. The game was long. With the bonus game thrown in where mom saves the captured town folks after she saves her son was fantastic. The game took me over six hours to play. The hidden object scenes were nice and the puzzles were fun and hard. Even with the built in Guide I messed up on two. One I finished after just a glance at the Guide. The very last one where you had to move the little knobs around so that the red lines all changed to blue I had to use the skip button. Grrrr!! You don't have a replay button for that one. All in all; this Grandma (and greatgrandma) loved this game and encourages everyone to try the demo and if you like it; purchase the game. I am also glad that I got to finish it with NO bugs or freezes. YIPPEE!! Come on Part Two !! Happy playing Fishies.

Wonderful whispered secrets!

To start out, this is one of THE BEST HO games that I've had the pleasure of playing. There is absolutely nothing to say about it that could be negative. The graphics are very well done & I LOVE the music. The hint button tells you where to go next without telling you what to do. ALL HO games need this. Definitely a buy for me!!

Another awsome game from BFG.

My personal view is we are being rather spoilt this past month with good games, however down to the game itself. My review is based on the demo only. The game starts off with the usual background information but soon gets you involved in the story. There are two game modes, I'm playing on the most difficult and must say I am finding it a challenge on certain things ......good! The voice overs are realistic and the graphics are very nice too, not only that but if you don't want to hunt for objects there is the option of doing a match 3 game instead, you can even play half of H.O. and then switch without any disruption at all. Up to now I haven't found any glitches or bugs and have bought the game so hopefully it will continue in a similar vein. I do hope that you enjoy the game as much as I am. Good luck.

I liked it alot

Thought it was a nice game. HOS are match 3 or HOS. Hint button works good if needed. Not a hard game just fun. Has voice over and good music and graphics. Not too much going all over the place, about like all the others.

Stunning Hidden Object Game!

I don't know why so many people complain on this game. I'm happy that I've tried and bought this game without reading all of that beforehand. I really really love this game!!! There are no many complicated puzzles but everything were just for me. I really recommend to try the game by yourself and make your own decision.

Fun enjoyable game.

I am happy I didn't read some of the other fishes comments. I really liked the game and thought it had some great graphics and art stile. The voice overs were good. The game played well and had no problems with it. Finished the game and it was enjoyable. Like the different characters and voices of each. I don't think their are too many HOG's but I like them, especially possibility to switch to Match3 mode. Puzzles - some were easy especially in the beginning, some much harder. It's a fun game to play.

Excellent game!

I like the storyline, it's a bit simple but very intriguing. Your sun mysteriously disappeared und you start your fascinating quest. There are 2 game modes (easy mode with global hint and hard one for experienced players without the most of clues with list of tasks). The graphics are clear and colorful. The puzzles are quite easy at the beginning but after the middle of the game they are unique with interesting mechanic. There is no map but the global hint assists to find the missed zones, etc. I'm really waiting the continuation of the story.

Whispered Secrets

I loved the mini-games. They were challenging and fun. Game starts off a little slow then picks up a nice momentum.

Waiting for the next one!!!

I just finish playing this game it was great! I love it. One of my favorites. A lot of going back and forth but that is part of the fun. Love the geraphics, and voice over. I did not care for the music. All of the game kept me going. Grandma Studios bring the next one!!!

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