Охотники на ведьм: украденные красоты коллекционное издание

  • Integrated strategy guide
  • Story-expanding extra content
  • Beautiful artwork
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
  • CPU : 1.4 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 8.1
  • Hard driver (MB) : 983

Оценка игры: Охотники на ведьм: украденные красоты коллекционное издание

Помогите Анжелике вернуть ее украдены ведьма красоты в Охотники на ведьм: украденные красоты! Однажды вечером бабушка Анжелики начала рассказывать ей о своих школьных годах. Бабушка говорила, что она сбежала от окончания школы она училась, потому что директор школы, мадам Флемет была ведьмой! Как только она произнесла имя мадам Флемет, а сама женщина появилась в комнате, напала на бабушку и похитила молодость Анжелики! Единственный способ для Анжелики, чтобы вернуть свою красоту, чтобы пойти на охоту на ведьм. Пойти на действительно охота на ведьм, в этом ensorcelling скрытый объект головоломки приключение! Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

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1401 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 237)

Witch Hunters: Stolen Beauty Collector`s Edition Image Witch Hunters: Stolen Beauty Collector`s Edition
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

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Помогите Анжелике вернуть ее украдены ведьма красоты! Сохраните молодая женщина страдает от ведьмы колдовство на протяжении более 100 лет!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Witch Hunters: Stolen Beauty Collector`s Edition game play Witch Hunters: Stolen Beauty Collector`s Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


This is a wonderful game (ignore the bad reviews)

I wasn't going to write a review until I read some of the "ho hum" reviews some of the "expert" players were giving it. I completely disagree with those calling it the same old story. It is not: it is charming, challenging, and completely worth buying. The artwork is exquisite, with lots of HO scenes, in addition to puzzles and just plain old solving the mystery to determine where to go next. Each time we rescue someone, we gain a supernatural skill. I recall only one other game in the last few years that had this feature. I loved it and recommend it highly. I didn't use the strategy guide, so for those who are counting pennies, wait for the standard edition, although I found it too hard to wait. Have fun!

Witch Hunters : Stolen Beauty CE

From the makers of "Lord of Mirrors" and the most recent "Queen of Death," comes a new [and hopefully fruitful] saga : Witch Hunters. The first installment, Stolen Beauty, follows in the footsteps of its predecessors with amazing art, atmosphere, and challenge. While not the most challenging thing in the world, the HO's have a couple "hidden items" and give you things which you will not find immediate use for. A simple story, but sure to be drawn out as you play young Angelica, whose beauty and youth has been stolen by a horrific witch who used to run a girl's school, leaving her old and haggard, but determined to seek out and gain her youth back. There are several side quests. Not only does Angelica want her youth back, but she meets old peers of her grandmother's, who went to the school generations ago, but are still hexed by the witch. You must search out a fair number of keys to a mysterious room, you must outwit the witch and use items in complicated ways. Mini-games may be familiar but often have a new twist. The hint button resets within seconds [on the easiest level.] These games are more about character and atmosphere than about puzzling you to death, which I think is nice. A five star game to be sure, yet I'll be waiting for the standard edition because I can buy two standard games for the price of one collector's game, and I love to deal. :D

Instand buy !!!

Played 30 minutes, Casual -3 modes, casual, advanced, expert - Integrated SG which only shows 2 chapters of the sample, couldn't turn the pages... - No voice overs - You've got to find 12 snake keys throughout the game - You have to find your hint button at the beginning of the game, it refills very quickly (casual) and tells you at least -outside H0- that you have nothing to do here... -Skip button - No note book (or I didn't find it !) - No map - H0 are clear, objects sometimes tiny and stuck at the bottom of the screen, you interact - Mini games not too difficult (only came across two in the 30 minutes I played) - Absolutely gorgeous graphics - Music a bit loud Interesting story, a witch stealing someone's youth... Didn't play the sample longer as I was dying to exit and buy so that the game would be mine, all mine !!!!

Absolutely Spellbinding

I can't say enough good things about this game it has everything a great game should have. It has a great story, mind blowing graphics, great puzzles, great atmosphere and great game play. I really enjoyed every minute of this game and it was hard for me to stop playing and this is one I can honestly say I really hated to see end because I was having so much fun. The bonus chapter was really good as well and overall the game was a very good length and it had more twist and turns and surprises than I have ever seen. You are able to gain special abilities that will help you throughout the game with each ability you are able to unlock hidden areas, freeze things and so on. The graphics are beyond gorgeous it is really something to see the art work is so detailed in this game that a couple of times I just sat there staring at my screen and taking in all the beauty of the artwork. This developer knows exactly how to deliver a awesome game and I am so hoping we will see more from this developer they are simply amazing with their games. This is definitely one of the best that I have played this year. It was fun from start to finish and always surprising and really kept my interest from the start. This is one nobody should pass up it has it all and without a doubt it's absolutely spellbinding.

Really good game

I can unreservedly recommend this game. Three levels of gameplay mean you can set how easy or how difficult you want it to be. The plot is nothing novel (visit long-abandoned institution in order to foil evil plans of antagonist) but the storyline has enough of a twist on this basic theme to keep it interesting. There is a nice balance between puzzles and hidden object scenes, and the artwork is simply exquisite. If you're worried about occult themes or horrific imagery, don't be; the only really spooky/creepy image is that of the witch in her real form, but there isn't any blood, violence or gory images. Well worth the money for a Collector's Edition. Try the free hour first and see for yourself!

Beautiful Game!

Opening with Rimsky-Korsakov's "Night on Bare Mountain" is brilliant! The music sets the tone and promises a level of quality that I believe is met in the game. The graphics are beautiful. The items in the HOSs are in agreement with the time period of the story. A thoroughly pleasurable experience playing this game.


The graphics were impeccable, music classical, mini games extremely unique and creative, H0G clear and logical. For me, on hardest setting, the gameplay challenge could have been upped but overall this game is now one of my favorites. I hope the devs do more~~!!!! They are VERY TALENTED... simply TOP NOTCH IMO and have created a wonderful game with folklorish-interest, story depth, ultimately good morals incorporated into frightful tale. Their ability to create scariness without going over the top... all balanced into a game I could not stop playing until I finished. (Unusual for ME as I usually skip around or end up not finishing many games). This one held my interest to the very end and I wanted more... hope there are more from these designers. Bottom line... The game was a blend of perfect balance....great storyline, good interaction, clarity, attention to detail, and quite creepy/spooky , without any outright 'evil' interactive components that would make me feel nasty after playing. I LOVED THIS GAME ~ YAY!

A very very fun game !

I am an "expert" if we can say it : I play this kind of game since years and I play a lot ! I have plaid the whole game bonus included. It's another story with a witch, yes, but I like games with witches, magicians, murders, all the games. And the more important for me is the gameplay. There are HOS but not plenty and not difficult, they are a bit interactive, no problems for me (I don't like HOS !). There is no map, no diary, but I like that, the game is more challenging and when there are map and diary, I don't use them. The hint button recharge quickly, even in advanced mode and I like that too : I use the hint only in the HOS for the last object to find. There plenty of places to visit, even in the bonus and that's good ! This game is also very fun : we got powers gradually in the game when we help people in difficulty and the end of the game is really very fun to play ! It's a very good CE. You'll play this game with a great pleasure if you buy it !

Very Well Done Big Fish

I am not into witches but this game was very well done indeed. I'm not familier with the creators but I hope they put more games like this out. The attention to detail was wonderful ie... the hardwood floors looked so real you could walk on them. Thanks for a great game.

Played Demo and thought it was super

I liked this game as it was different and well done. I also liked that the puzzles didn't make me wait forever to skip if I could not solve them. And I liked the hints if I got lost. 2 thumbs up!

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