Мир Мозаики 3 - Сказки

  • Gripping gameplay
  • Classic stories to explore
  • Go on a literary journey!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 101

Оценка игры: Мир Мозаики 3 - Сказки

После восстановления Атлантиды, вы узнаете, магические книги, которая посылает вас в путешествие через литературу в мир мозаики 3 – сказки! Решить пиктографический головоломки на своем пути по рассказам "принц-лягушка", синий бык Бейб, Спящая Красавица, и другие классики, как вы восстановите волшебную книгу и вернуться домой в этой веселой и захватывающей игре головоломки! Погружение в ваши любимые сказки и вернуться домой!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

5613 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 182)

World Mosaics 3 - Fairy Tales Image World Mosaics 3 - Fairy Tales
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

После восстановления Атлантиды, вы узнаете, магические книги, которая посылает вас в путешествие через литературу в мир мозаики 3!

AFERON - BigFishGames
World Mosaics 3 - Fairy Tales game play World Mosaics 3 - Fairy Tales Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Cerebellum Treat

Why not have a bit of fantasy while you visually map numbers in your head? I felt the same way, so I have enjoyed playing it immensely. This like the other Mosaic games aren't about a storyline, it is simply about challenging your spatial perception and having fun with it.

Favorite games

The World Mosaics & the World Riddles games are my very favorites. They start very easy (so you will get the hang of what you are supposed to do) & then go on to be challenging & are good brain & memory exercise. There is alot of replay value because you would not likely remember what you did the first time & there are alot of puzzles in each game & then extra sets of puzzles. You really get your money's worth & I hope that BigFish will get World Mosaics 2. There is no "save" but each puzzle is between about 3 to 10 minutes unless you have to "play just one more!"

Getting worse

I love these types of games. But I will not buy another world mosaic game. The puzzles look less and less like the pictures they are supposed to represent with each game. Bought 1 2 and 3. Got demos for 4 and 5. Will be deleting them. Going back to Gemsweeper

Great game

Great game. Challenging but not impossible. Good replay.

Instead of improving, worsened

Much easier than the 1? e 2? . I liked but not loved. Just play once.

Mind numbing

If you have never done a pictographic puzzle, this might be a good beginning. The storyline is good, wandering through many familiar fairy tales. For once I paid attention to the story, because the puzzles are not challenging at all. There are 12 stories, each with 7 or more puzzles. It starts with alot of 5x5, then way too many 10x10. Instead of enjoying this game, I found myself bored with puzzle grids that were too easy. I had to force myself to finish, just to see if the puzzles got any harder. The finished picture quality was not as good as in other games. I love the WM puzzles - have all of them - and this is one I will not play again.

One of My Favorites

In this game you must repair an ancient book of fairy tales in order to get back to your own time and save another person who's been stuck in the book for hundreds of years. As with the other World Mosaic games, you are given a grid with numbers associated with each row and column - and it is your job to determine which squares/bricks to break and which to keep in order to complete various pictures and move forward in the storyline. One of the neat things about this game is that it includes several fairy tales I had never heard before as well as several twists to the fairy tales I do know. Overall, I would highly recommend this game to those who enjoy other mosaic and logic-type games.

Waiting for 4

Great game! Makes you think-then think again. 10x10 can be easy but not always and then it really get fun. These games make you think. The five different ones are alike but not the same-each one is different enough to keep you want to get the next one.

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