Youda легенды: проклятие Амстердам Алмаза
- Stunning art
- Fantastic Hidden Object scenes
- Lift the curse!
- Get the Strategy Guide!
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
- CPU : 1.0 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 107
Оценка игры: Youda легенды: проклятие Амстердам Алмаза
По прибытии в Амстердам вас чувство тайны в воздухе! Темные влияние старый проклятие по-прежнему преследует город Амстердам, и это до вас, чтобы поднять его! Тайна начинается в вашем гостиничном номере и будет у вас использовать ваши навыки hidden object в известных местах, как Rijksmuseum, цветочный рынок и театр Карре. Youda легенды: проклятие Амстердам Алмаза будет считать вас через весь город в путешествие, которые вы никогда не забудете!
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
6635 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 159)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Темные влияния старого проклятия еще насмешки город Амстердам! Исследовать этот прекрасный город на эту таинственную экскурсию.
AFERON - BigFishGames
Well, I love it. It has some very hard puzzles to figure out and it's the first one I've come across that has no skip allowed. You have to figure it our or quit. Really rough. I finally came to a puzzle I couldn't get through. After it seemed hours of play and fun hard work I came to a maze you walked a pair of shoeprints through. Had a hard time and came to the last two doors to go through and they would not unlock no matter what. Was disapointed because I had to quit. Will try some other time I guess. Great game. It could have been something I did or didn't do????? No!
I enjoyed this game tremendously, I hope they make more like this. Thanks Youda!
I Love games with "additional" play, such as collecting diamonds in each scene. The graphics are beautiful and the music relaxing. Youda Amsterdam runs smoothly with Windows 7 (always a Big Plus point for me.) The mini games and HOGs are enjoyable. Overall great game, the only thing I wish was better, is if I could find out how many diamonds are hidden in the game. A good buy with great re-play value.
Better than Golden bird of paradise. Buy it when it is $2.99.
Try this game, Fun and Enjoy to play.
This game was ok had a gd length of play, it was just a little too easy
Nice foto's, but to short a game for the money to pay
The music is beautiful. Each cutscene starts with a snapshot of Amsterdam by night, a different area each time. The artwork is okay, the story seems fair and linearity is optimum. need keen eyes to tackle this one ! The first HO Scene is misleading: the objects you see right from the start are huge, so you think "Oh,well, that's an easy one !". You're wrong. Next to the giants there are many dwarves and quite a few that are nearly invisible. So you click and click again until, at the fourth click exactly the cursor stops cooperating.This applies to every other HOS. In each scene, finding the diamonds recharges the sluggish Hint System faster [easy to spot, they glitter] and increases your score. So, the game is a long sequence of HO Scenes alternating with puzzles and minigames. No action whatsoever, no useful item. This Youda is an adventure that is not really an adventure. When one of these items is given, the game uses it for you, but they often are the pre-settings to a puzzle. Puzzles and minigames thus pop up almost after each HOS, meaning there are plenty of them. None can be skipped but, for each one, a clue is available in the form of drawings. Those I saw in the 1 hour demo are quite interesting, not all that easy, but there are too many HO Scenes for me, else I would have been tempted to purchase the game. If you love HOGs, don't mind having no Skip and Reset options, if you accept to be stuck with a puzzle without being able to exit, and be content with basic graphics, then you'll enjoy this game.
The scenes are nice but it is not one of the good games I?ve played. Some mini games are confuse and objectives are not clear . There are no explanations about what to do, about the story, about the targets and some objects you can?t recognize. I played the free trial and won?t buy this game. It doesn?t worth. The best thing is the sound... peaceful.
I did not like the fact that you did not have an optional Skip for the mini games. I think a Skip should always be available, and it should always be optional to Skip immediately.