Зодиак Пророчества: Змей Предъявителя

  • An exciting world of fantasy
  • A variety of enthralling puzzles
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
  • Get the Strategy Guide!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
  • CPU : 1.8 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 578

Комментарий к игре: Зодиак Пророчества: Змей Предъявителя

Родился под редких 13 знак зодиака, Змееносца, Эми понятия не имел, она была предназначена, чтобы сохранить в волшебный мир. Уже захваченных детей из других 12 знаков зодиака, Темный Лорд теперь имеет его взгляды на завоевание нашего мира. Эми должны собрать ее мужество освободить души детей и наконец положить конец тирании Темного Лорда конец в знак Зодиака пророчества: змей предъявителя.

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Комментарий на взгляд
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.


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(вид: 144)
Zodiac Prophecies: The Serpent Bearer Image Zodiac Prophecies: The Serpent Bearer
5 из 5 на основе 65 рейтинги пользователей
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Требует Windows/MacOS

USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возрастов: 3 ЛЕТ И СТАРШЕ

Описание Игры:

Только Эми, 13-й знак зодиака, может освободить души детей зодиака от Темного Лорда.

AFERON - BigFishGames
Zodiac Prophecies: The Serpent Bearer game play Zodiac Prophecies: The Serpent Bearer игры

2 Thumbs Up!

Well just finished this wonderful game. One of my favorites. HOGs were awsome. Not to hard or easy. Played intermediate and expert levels and found it to keep me intrigued. Graphics were well made. Excellent story and fun factor was just perfect. Didn't seem to find anything I didn't like. I highly will play this game over and over again. Good job guys!

A new world ,new Zodiac and a new visual treat..

This is an awesome game with lot of outstanding cut scenes, In this game each level will surprice us with lot of visual and gameplay contents.. Each world (water,fire,air and earth)..will provide tremendous game play..I strongly recommend this game

Awesome game

I really enjoyed the game very much . This is one of my favourite games i had played recently. Its gameplay and storyline was awesome and puzzles were too good. Thanks to the Developers for providing a wonderful game.

Brill Game

Abselutly Birll game play U will never get board of this game U keep going and going and going and never get lost the help is always there 4 u Ria

Loved this game!

I played the demo and before finishing it, I promptly bought it! I love the graphics, the use of color is outstanding- so crisp and bright. A welcome change from the doom and gloom, blood and gore of the majority of the games produced nowadays. The hidden object scenes are well done- clear and concise, and not crammed full of objects that are largely impossible to identify. I like the fact that once an object is found, it does not appear in the scene again. I can't comment on the music- I usually turn this down in any game I am playing, so I can't say whether it was good or bad. I did check out the map, but wasn't interested in using it at the time. I'm guessing it probably becomes more of a plus factor the farther one progresses in the game. The demo was pure pleasure to play and I'm anxious to see what other surprises this game holds. I highly recommend this game to anyone who is tired of spooky darkness, vampires, blood, doom and gloom, etc.

Pleasant surprise

I thoroughly enjoyed this game. I overlooked it several times but I'm so glad I finally gave it a chance. The crisp graphics are filled with gorgeous purples. The sounds, VO's, and music are well done. The story is interesting and moves along well throughout. It is not overrun with HOS. They are clear and not cluttered junk piles. All the puzzles are moderately difficult, all do-able. There is a travel map. However, it states that it shows available actions but I didn't find it to be accurate. It was still useful and there is a directional Hint button. This game is also a decent length. Overall, I think it is great fun. Love it!


I am very surprised at the lukewarm reception this game has received. In my opinion it should win some kind of award, if only for it's utterly equisite graphics. I am sure it took me longer to play than it should have because I so often just sat and stared. They really are so finely wrought, with such attention to detail and the colours are glorious. I cannot imagine how long it must have taken to create them. I have not heard of these devs before, but they are true artists in this field. The game play was a treat, with something new and interesting at every turn, all with the wow factor. Navigation was perfect and the hint button gave directions and filled quickly. There were a lot of iHOS I must say, but they were also so lovely to look at and quick and easy. The puzzles were equally lovely, with a lot I have not seen before. The music was good, the small creatures cute as buttons, the characters brilliantly done and the story excellent. 5 hrs of enchanted playing. I look forward to more from these talented and accomplished devs, with great anticipation. Kudos all round, for a fabulous piece of work. Thank you all so very much.

superb graphics and wonderful theme

Its an awesome game with lot of visual treat, Each elemental levels invite us with lot of surprises..

Will buy it!

Just played demo and time flew by. I don't care for a lot of cut scenes and dribble which this game did not have. Easy to figure out with puzzles just hard enough to make you think. I liked the graphics and the colors are sharp and clear. The HO items are hidden just enough that you have to look and even when you look at the right spot, they elude you. I would recommend this game and I am going to buy it.


What a gorgeous game. A lovely fantasy type tale that had everything. I liked the zodiac theme and all the wonderfull characters you come across. Hats off to the devs who put this game together as all the images throughout were gorgeous and incredible . A great orginal storyline with beautiful music. LOVED IT!!!!

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